Perghh....penat sungguh badan aku nie setelah menghadiri tof(training of Faci) by UPG. That's Y aku tak update beberapa hari nie. tof memang best..differ people has differ view. my point of view is bnyk input yg aku peroleh utk aku 'memantapkan' lagi ilmu2 Faci yang aku ader.. Special Thankz to all frens cause bersama-sama have fun tak kira masa n congrate to Shahmi & Fatin cause dpt 'Run' tof dgn jayanye...
Happy Birthday ke 21 to 'Anis Syazwanis' .. moga lebih cute, cute n lagi cute.... Mat Top n Bob, jgn lupa kasi Birthday present to Anis yerk :)
Happy Belated Birthday to all my frens also who celebrate thier birthday on last week.. sori for late wishes.
holaaaa....untuk pengetahuan korang.. cerita
'Geng' Upin & Ipin telah pun berjaya mengumpul
RM 2 juta dalam masa 5 hari... Thaniah kepada crew2 'Geng'.. mpga semangat kami dpt menyuntik korang utk lebih maju n terus ke hadapan dlm menghasilkan filem-filem berunsur animasi yang lebih
'mantop' my frens who didnt watch this movie yet, aku
reccomend uuols utk pergi n tonton sendiri kat pangung2 berdekatan cause memang berbaloi kerana cerite 'geng' Upin & Ipin nie lebih baik 100 kali ganda drpd filem2 komedi di Msia nie.
Task need to be done by this week : update blog Eng Soc, finish Eng Soc & Com E proposal, Tutorial Java, Volleyball comp n so on
" Just Be Yourself !!!! it's more than enough "
thanx for joining faci camp!!