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BRAVO !!! BRAVO !!!!

After traveling to seven countries
and making their way across 11 cities
and covering 21,600km,
Sam and Vince
are the new winners for
The Amazing Race Asia Season 3.

If i&t
didn't stuck at the airport
they would have won the race.
They finished their detour so fast.
I am so proud of themmemang berdebar jantung aku...
dari start...till end of the race..
mcm nak mati

memang tak leh nafikan kehebatan I&T
diaorang nie, sempoi n have
strong relationship

sikit pun tak gaduh

waktu nak g gurun tu pun,
sempat beli breakfast
diaorang yg sampai dulu

tak de rezeki....
itu yg aku dpt katakan

ketika hendak ke airport,
diaorang punyer
stuck in the sand n cannot move

sian diaorang..tersekat lebih half n hour

nie Geoff & Tisha

pasangan nie...
paling aku benci
from Philippines

berlagak je lebih
nasib baik diaorang tak jadi champions

this is the final result of the race

1st : Sam & Vince (Hong Kong)
2nd : Geoff & Tisha (Philippines)
3rd : Ida & Tania (Malaysia)

My hope

is I want to join
for the next race of new episodes


  1. lina pencilbox said...
    fruusssttt gile waktu ida n tania ni kalah~

    ingatkan leh jadi champion..

    T_T keciwaaa
    PeJun said...
    tau tak pe...padang pasir n si penjaga kaunter tiket yg spoil n menyebabkan I&T kalat..

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