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selesai sudah selama 17 minggu
ITP di TM Muar


rindu pak cik2 + mak cik2 yg sporting
report sebanyak 100 pages dah siap
slide pun tinggal di 'present' saja

ari nie 1st day aku di sem 2
sbg seorang final year student,
aku wajib mengambil subject killer
iaitu FYP

memang susah
lagi susah perkara mendatang
juz think posotifff...insya-allah

sini ader tips utk kekawan yg
x tahu pasal FYP
n x tahu nak start FYP..

dr sini lah aku dpt idea wat projek FYP aku
thanks to abg noan coz bnyk kasi guidance

Follow these steps:-

1.The first step is think a project related to your course and also you can select according to your Hobby.
2.Search about the Projects in Internet and different websites and collect enough material so that you are ready to make project.
3.check the feasibility of the project.
4.Check if it is in your budget and you are getting all the component you required.Here, FET only provide RM500 for each students.
5.Consult Your Project Guide and Project Supervisor about the projects and take his/her advice on your project.

6.Make a presentation and report of the project and demonstrate it to your faculty and student.
7.Now you can use the project for Final year also (If you are making a Mini project 1st) and if it can be extended further.
8.Be sure that your project is completed on time and is cost effective.
9.Check the working of the Project before showing it to Project moderator or any other whom you want to show.

kepada kekawan yg buat FYP dis sem
i wish u all gud luck
smoga tabah menghadapi bersama

x sabar nak graduate

x de ape yg nak di coret

juz nak korang buat sesuatu...

baca rangkap di bawah sebanyak 10 kali dengan
laju sekali

" Bangla Bawak Paku "

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